Gate Of Earth Lost Ark
Lost Ark Gate Of Harmony: How To Get Key Of Harmony And Complete The Event

Images via Smilegate
3rd May 2022 17:17
The Lost Ark Gate of Harmony is 1 of the best end-game events for players looking to get the almost powerful rewards and tonnes of resources for levelling. Lost Ark contains tonnes of unlike events that players tin can participate in, including bosses, cooperative quests, and competitive quests. So check out our breakdown for finding the Cardinal of Harmony and taking function in the Lost Ark Gate of Harmony.
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Lost Ark Gate Of Harmony: How To Get The Key Of Harmony
The Key of Harmony is your starting time pace in accessing the Lost Ark Gate of Harmony, and it allows you to access the rewards you can earn for completing the event. The central can be establish by taking part in cooperative sailing missions around Vern, Arthetine, and Anikka. Sometimes the key is incorrectly translated as Key of Balance, but this will still work for allowing you lot access to the effect.
Catch Jellyfish and Drowning People are two of the missions that you tin find the Key of Harmony from. They begin at set times, so you will need to check when past selecting the stopwatch in the top left, and navigating to the sailing tab. The locations of the missions will be highlighted in one case you select one of them, and you will be on your way to earn a key of Harmony.
- Make sure to tick off all the Lost Ark World Bosses for their powerful gear.
Lost Ark Gate Of Harmony: How To Find And Consummate The Gate Of Harmony
Once you have the key, you will have to navigate to the Gate of Harmony itself. This is located betwixt the continent of Northward Vern and Arthetine. The effect only begins at set times, so you tin cheque when the Gate of Harmony will spawn by using Procyon'southward Compass below the minimap. Otherwise, you lot can just fix canvass to the surface area, and wait for the gateway to announced.
Once y'all enter the gateway, the event will begin and all the players will be split into two teams and tasked with shooting fish underwater. Yous don't actually demand to be on the winning team to earn the Treasure Breast of Harmony, and it will appear in the heart subsequently the event ends. Interact with it and apply the Primal of Harmony to open it upward and earn your rewards. It's likewise worth noting yous can use every bit many keys as you have. The rewards will largely consist of Gienah's Coin, which is used to gain the Lost Ark Roar Emote and Lost Ark Pirate Coins, and a treasure map has a chance to spawn.
That'due south our walkthrough of the Lost Ark Gate of Harmony, and now you know how to gain the Key of Harmony to open the chest that spawns at the stop of the event.
If y'all're looking to collect all of the game'south music, bank check out where to find the Lost Ark Song of Spring.
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